Marble Cliff Oil Co. - Logo
"Fuel for Commercial and Residential"
Serving Central Ohio Since 1931

Serving Columbus Since 1931
Call Us Today 614-488-3434
Serving Columbus Since 1931

Bulk Fuel Delivery

Construction, Fleet, Commercial, Farm and Residential
Diesel - Gasoline - Heating Oil - Kerosene 
Also available... Temporary and Permanent Aboveground Tanks 
Free consultation on tanks and fueling options

Fuel Tanks

Jobsite Fuel Tanks

Contractors and industrial sites have special needs for temporary fuel on-site. Short-term or long-term, high volume or low, Marble Cliff Oil Co. offers flexible programs to meet your jobsite needs.
Jobsite Fuel Tanks
Permanent Fuel Tanks

Permanent Fuel Tanks

Aboveground tanks located at your office can reduce fuel costs, save man-hours, increase productivity, as well as consolidate and improve accounting and control. 
Yard Tanks
Winter Diesel Fuel


Marble Cliff Oil offers a formulated diesel fuel ideal for standby applications where fuel is exposed to cold temperatures and sits for long periods.
Winter Diesel Fuel

Winter Diesel Fuel

Untreated diesel fuel will likely clog a fuel filter at around +5 degrees F. During the winter, Marble Cliff Oil treats all diesel fuels lowering the operability temperature further. 
Winter Diesel Fuel
Fuel Tanks

Jobsite Fuel Tanks

Contractors and industrial sites have special needs for temporary fuel on-site. Short-term or long-term, high volume or low, Marble Cliff Oil Co. offers flexible programs to meet your jobsite needs.
Jobsite Fuel Tanks
Permanent Fuel Tanks

Permanent Fuel Tanks

Aboveground tanks located at your office can reduce fuel costs, save man-hours, increase productivity, as well as consolidate and improve accounting and control. 

Yard Tanks
Winter Diesel Fuel


Marble Cliff Oil offers a formulated diesel fuel ideal for standby applications where fuel is exposed to cold temperatures and sits for long periods.
Winter Diesel Fuel

Winter Diesel Fuel

Untreated diesel fuel will likely clog a fuel filter at over 5 degrees F. During the winter, Marble Cliff Oil treats all diesel fuels lowering the operability temperature further. 
Winter Diesel Fuel

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